Comments on: Weekly Photo Challenge – Transient/2017/06/22/wpc-transient/Reflections on places traveled and photos taken.Sat, 24 Jun 2017 12:27:50 +0000hourly1 photobyjohnbo/2017/06/22/wpc-transient/comment-page-1/#comment-4397Sat, 24 Jun 2017 12:27:50 +0000 reply to Tina Schell.

Thanks! On our way to an area today where I hope to capture some more avian transients! 🙂 If I’m lucky, the results will appear in a few weeks!

By: Tina Schell/2017/06/22/wpc-transient/comment-page-1/#comment-4396Sat, 24 Jun 2017 12:21:23 +0000 interpretation this week John – beautiful captures all.

By: Transient Rose | What's (in) the picture?/2017/06/22/wpc-transient/comment-page-1/#comment-4395Fri, 23 Jun 2017 10:35:59 +0000[…] Journeys with Johnbo Weekly Photo Challenge – Transient […]

By: photobyjohnbo/2017/06/22/wpc-transient/comment-page-1/#comment-4394Fri, 23 Jun 2017 08:42:22 +0000 reply to quarksire.


By: quarksire/2017/06/22/wpc-transient/comment-page-1/#comment-4391Fri, 23 Jun 2017 05:05:58 +0000 furst shot is incredibly good! …….awesome……… 🙂

By: photobyjohnbo/2017/06/22/wpc-transient/comment-page-1/#comment-4389Thu, 22 Jun 2017 16:43:20 +0000 reply to Josh.

Thanks. They truly are transient creatures!

By: Josh/2017/06/22/wpc-transient/comment-page-1/#comment-4388Thu, 22 Jun 2017 16:27:46 +0000 bird pics! They often require patience, skill or both! We have a hawk (or two) that live in our backyard… Even with their close proximity it is very difficult to photograph them.

By: photobyjohnbo/2017/06/22/wpc-transient/comment-page-1/#comment-4387Thu, 22 Jun 2017 16:18:51 +0000 reply to de Wets Wild.

Thank you!

By: de Wets Wild/2017/06/22/wpc-transient/comment-page-1/#comment-4386Thu, 22 Jun 2017 16:14:42 +0000 gallery full of winged winners, John!

By: zeckrombryan/2017/06/22/wpc-transient/comment-page-1/#comment-4385Thu, 22 Jun 2017 13:42:06 +0000 reply to photobyjohnbo.

You are welcome 🙂
