Comments on: Weekly Photo Challenge – Windows/2017/09/28/wpc-windows/Reflections on places traveled and photos taken.Fri, 06 Oct 2017 15:34:41 +0000hourly1 photobyjohnbo/2017/09/28/wpc-windows/comment-page-1/#comment-4785Fri, 29 Sep 2017 20:12:04 +0000 reply to neihtn2012.

Now that you mention it, I don’t. I will work on that. >grin<

By: neihtn2012/2017/09/28/wpc-windows/comment-page-1/#comment-4784Fri, 29 Sep 2017 19:50:12 +0000 good answers to the challenge, John! Do you have one of you similarly framed?

By: Windows: AED aka Defibrillator | What's (in) the picture?/2017/09/28/wpc-windows/comment-page-1/#comment-4780Fri, 29 Sep 2017 08:23:16 +0000[…] Journeys with Johnbo Weekly Photo Challenge – Windows […]

By: photobyjohnbo/2017/09/28/wpc-windows/comment-page-1/#comment-4779Thu, 28 Sep 2017 15:00:20 +0000 reply to Josh.

I couldn’t resist the misapplication in my other reply. The only phrases I know in Spanish relate to cerveza and banos. 🙂

By: photobyjohnbo/2017/09/28/wpc-windows/comment-page-1/#comment-4778Thu, 28 Sep 2017 14:59:06 +0000 reply to Josh.

Well… I do have pretty big drawers, but they are smaller than they used to be. 🙂

By: Josh/2017/09/28/wpc-windows/comment-page-1/#comment-4777Thu, 28 Sep 2017 14:58:21 +0000 I meant cojones. Not drawers. Hahaha further evidence that I’m not afraid to butcher two languages in one sentence.

By: Josh/2017/09/28/wpc-windows/comment-page-1/#comment-4776Thu, 28 Sep 2017 14:57:09 +0000 call Sherlock Holmes because a bunch of your colleagues have been framed. LOL All of you have bigger cajones than I do. Excellent way to approach the challenge!
