Comments on: Weekly Photo Challenge – Local/2016/10/14/wpc-local/Reflections on places traveled and photos taken.Thu, 20 Oct 2016 05:50:44 +0000hourly1 Photography Journal Blog/2016/10/14/wpc-local/comment-page-1/#comment-3541Thu, 20 Oct 2016 05:50:44 +0000 take on the challenge.

By: photobyjohnbo/2016/10/14/wpc-local/comment-page-1/#comment-3540Wed, 19 Oct 2016 23:26:14 +0000]]>In reply to josh.

Landing is always good… as opposed to arriving. 😀

By: josh/2016/10/14/wpc-local/comment-page-1/#comment-3535Tue, 18 Oct 2016 15:28:01 +0000 don’t fly as you well know, however, I agree 100% about landing… Whenever we fly anywhere, I’m always predictably relieved, when we finally land.

By: photobyjohnbo/2016/10/14/wpc-local/comment-page-1/#comment-3532Sun, 16 Oct 2016 00:55:31 +0000 reply to neihtn2012.

That 1947 Cub is closest to basic flight skills, not unlike the difference between today’s modern tech-infused cars and their much more basic predecessors in road feel.

By: neihtn2012/2016/10/14/wpc-local/comment-page-1/#comment-3531Sun, 16 Oct 2016 00:48:56 +0000 bottom cockpit looks better to me, but then I know next to nothing about flying. I am amazed that you are a pilot, John!

By: Local: Closed | What's (in) the picture?/2016/10/14/wpc-local/comment-page-1/#comment-3529Sat, 15 Oct 2016 14:35:39 +0000[…] Journeys with Johnbo Weekly Photo Challenge – Local […]
