Comments on: Weekly Photo Challenge – Time/2016/02/05/wpc-time/Reflections on places traveled and photos taken.Mon, 08 Feb 2016 16:06:49 +0000hourly1 photobyjohnbo/2016/02/05/wpc-time/comment-page-1/#comment-2678Mon, 08 Feb 2016 16:06:49 +0000 reply to josh.

Of all the photos I’ve taken, even though the time of day was bad for lighting this photo, it is one of my favorites. It demonstrates the power of endurance.

By: josh/2016/02/05/wpc-time/comment-page-1/#comment-2677Mon, 08 Feb 2016 15:43:37 +0000 10 would certainly be a painful proposition on these waves… Amazing what time and nature can conspire together to achieve!

By: Time (Book Reader) | Chris Breebaart Photography / What's (in) the picture?/2016/02/05/wpc-time/comment-page-1/#comment-2674Sat, 06 Feb 2016 12:52:02 +0000[…] Journeys with Johnbo Weekly Photo Challenge – Time […]

By: Dina/2016/02/05/wpc-time/comment-page-1/#comment-2673Sat, 06 Feb 2016 11:06:07 +0000 choices for the challenge! 🙂
Best regards from the North,

By: photobyjohnbo/2016/02/05/wpc-time/comment-page-1/#comment-2671Sat, 06 Feb 2016 00:25:42 +0000 reply to Lignum Draco.

Thank you!

By: Lignum Draco/2016/02/05/wpc-time/comment-page-1/#comment-2670Sat, 06 Feb 2016 00:22:51 +0000 choices. Lovely photos.

By: Joan Jennings/2016/02/05/wpc-time/comment-page-1/#comment-2669Sat, 06 Feb 2016 00:02:42 +0000 a good shot for that challenge!

On Fri, Feb 5, 2016 at 4:34 PM, Journeys with Johnbo wrote:

> photobyjohnbo posted: ” Page, Arizona. This week, Lignum Draco asks us to > think about time. In his challenge, he references a sign relating to time > passages and asks us to interpret our own feelings about time. You can read > the entire post here. My visceral response wa” >

By: photobyjohnbo/2016/02/05/wpc-time/comment-page-1/#comment-2668Fri, 05 Feb 2016 23:41:11 +0000 reply to karenrsanderson.

When I first saw the sandstone “breaker”, I was so moved by action of the wind on sandstone and how it took centuries to do what the wind does every day to water.

By: karenrsanderson/2016/02/05/wpc-time/comment-page-1/#comment-2667Fri, 05 Feb 2016 23:37:29 +0000, John, these are incredible! Thank you for sharing.
