Comments on: Weekly Photo Challenge – Collage/2017/07/13/wpc-collage/Reflections on places traveled and photos taken.Fri, 14 Jul 2017 08:36:35 +0000hourly1 Collage Lake Layers | What's (in) the picture?/2017/07/13/wpc-collage/comment-page-1/#comment-4459Fri, 14 Jul 2017 08:36:35 +0000[…] Journeys with Johnbo Weekly Photo Challenge – Collage […]

By: photobyjohnbo/2017/07/13/wpc-collage/comment-page-1/#comment-4456Thu, 13 Jul 2017 16:44:54 +0000 reply to Josh.

Cool here yesterday and today. Back in the 90s by the weekend.

By: Josh/2017/07/13/wpc-collage/comment-page-1/#comment-4455Thu, 13 Jul 2017 16:35:40 +0000 a flowery post! Good choice with the flower gallery… Makes me wish it was spring again, now here the average temp is in the mid nineties, eew. Can’t wait for fall.
