Comments on: Weekly Photo Challenge – Symmetry/2015/02/13/wpc-symmetry/Reflections on places traveled and photos taken.Fri, 10 Apr 2015 02:04:19 +0000hourly1 Symmetry: The Making Of | My Atheist Blog/2015/02/13/wpc-symmetry/comment-page-1/#comment-1608Fri, 10 Apr 2015 02:04:19 +0000[…] Journeys with JohnboWeekly Photo Challenge – Symmetry […]

By: Tina Schell/2015/02/13/wpc-symmetry/comment-page-1/#comment-1520Thu, 19 Feb 2015 01:33:45 +0000 the juxtaposition between the huge ships vs the little loons (have seen them many times in Michigan. They are such beautiful and melodic birds!). Good choices John
