Comments on: Wings Over the Rockies – Walk Among the Warbirds/2017/01/17/wings-over-the-rockies-walk-among-the-warbirds/Reflections on places traveled and photos taken.Fri, 20 Jan 2017 21:12:37 +0000hourly1 photobyjohnbo/2017/01/17/wings-over-the-rockies-walk-among-the-warbirds/comment-page-1/#comment-3852Fri, 20 Jan 2017 19:10:21 +0000 reply to Josh.

Indeed. Fascinating place for aviation nuts like me!

By: Josh/2017/01/17/wings-over-the-rockies-walk-among-the-warbirds/comment-page-1/#comment-3851Fri, 20 Jan 2017 16:15:47 +0000 a great museum! Great shots, as somewhat of a Star Wars geek, I was stoked to see that ya’ got to see an X-wing. Nothing destroys a surprisingly fully armed battle station like an X-wing! 😉

By: neihtn2012/2017/01/17/wings-over-the-rockies-walk-among-the-warbirds/comment-page-1/#comment-3843Tue, 17 Jan 2017 17:42:00 +0000 for sharing this. I am putting this on my list for next time out West.

By: photobyjohnbo/2017/01/17/wings-over-the-rockies-walk-among-the-warbirds/comment-page-1/#comment-3842Tue, 17 Jan 2017 11:41:33 +0000 reply to GP Cox.

Indeed! It was more impressive in person.

By: GP Cox/2017/01/17/wings-over-the-rockies-walk-among-the-warbirds/comment-page-1/#comment-3841Tue, 17 Jan 2017 11:30:25 +0000 aircraft are beautiful, but that briefing the pilots scene is powerful.
