Comments on: But I Digress – Social Media/2017/08/07/but-i-digress-social-media/Reflections on places traveled and photos taken.Wed, 09 Aug 2017 16:10:28 +0000hourly1 photobyjohnbo/2017/08/07/but-i-digress-social-media/comment-page-1/#comment-4549Wed, 09 Aug 2017 16:10:28 +0000 reply to Josh.

I’d forgotten the definition and had to look it up. Twain is a reference to the number 2 for river depth. Mark Twain is two fathoms (12 feet) a safe depth for a steam boat, according to Google.

By: Josh/2017/08/07/but-i-digress-social-media/comment-page-1/#comment-4547Wed, 09 Aug 2017 15:51:38 +0000 should fix up a steam boat and use it to get to the reunion. Ooooold Maan Riiver, ooold maan riiver. LOL What’s twain mean again? 🙂

By: Marie/2017/08/07/but-i-digress-social-media/comment-page-1/#comment-4546Wed, 09 Aug 2017 06:57:27 +0000 reply to photobyjohnbo.

I wish I had gone at some point.

By: photobyjohnbo/2017/08/07/but-i-digress-social-media/comment-page-1/#comment-4539Tue, 08 Aug 2017 03:35:40 +0000 reply to Marie.

For over 30 years, I ignored the reunion despite living less than an hour drive from it. That was a big mistake. What an interesting event they put on each year!

By: Marie/2017/08/07/but-i-digress-social-media/comment-page-1/#comment-4538Tue, 08 Aug 2017 03:32:03 +0000 dad owned a small stationary steam engine at Rollag for many years. I regret that I never made it there to see it.
