Comments on: Dronie Sunday – 13 September 2020/2020/09/13/dronie-sunday-7/Reflections on places traveled and photos taken.Sun, 13 Sep 2020 22:22:36 +0000hourly1 chalkandcheesetravels/2020/09/13/dronie-sunday-7/comment-page-1/#comment-12766Sun, 13 Sep 2020 22:22:36 +0000 reply to photobyjohnbo.

No worries have a great day

By: photobyjohnbo/2020/09/13/dronie-sunday-7/comment-page-1/#comment-12761Sun, 13 Sep 2020 19:22:06 +0000 reply to Jane Lurie.

Thank you!

By: Jane Lurie/2020/09/13/dronie-sunday-7/comment-page-1/#comment-12759Sun, 13 Sep 2020 18:59:02 +0000 aerial image, John!

By: milfordstreet/2020/09/13/dronie-sunday-7/comment-page-1/#comment-12742Sun, 13 Sep 2020 12:15:36 +0000 reply to photobyjohnbo.

That is just amazing. I never knew they could do this. Thank you for the information.

By: photobyjohnbo/2020/09/13/dronie-sunday-7/comment-page-1/#comment-12740Sun, 13 Sep 2020 11:59:13 +0000 reply to milfordstreet.

There is a mode of flight on my drone called “tripod mode.” It works quite well when winds are light. In that mode, the drone’s stability is enhanced at the expense of other factors that are all intertwined. When you yaw the drone on its vertical axis, it maintains its horizontal position over the ground acting as if the drone itself was mounted on a tripod.
The drone has an automatic panorama mode that will actually take the shots and stitch them into a single JPEG file, but I prefer to capture the images in RAW mode and stitch them together in Lightroom so that I have more control over the final image.

By: photobyjohnbo/2020/09/13/dronie-sunday-7/comment-page-1/#comment-12739Sun, 13 Sep 2020 11:49:48 +0000 reply to rulesoflogic.

Truth is, there is a pesky regulation that stipulates certain requirements for drone images of gatherings. They are too onerous for a single pilot to meet for any large gathering, but a small gathering is doable, and is something I plan to do.

By: photobyjohnbo/2020/09/13/dronie-sunday-7/comment-page-1/#comment-12738Sun, 13 Sep 2020 11:45:55 +0000 reply to chalkandcheesetravels.

North Dakota has two colors, green in summer, white in winter. >grin< Thanks for taking the time to comment.

By: milfordstreet/2020/09/13/dronie-sunday-7/comment-page-1/#comment-12737Sun, 13 Sep 2020 11:45:35 +0000, great photo. That’s interesting you can do a panoramic from a drone. I’ve only done them on a fixed tripod that I then rotated.

By: rulesoflogic/2020/09/13/dronie-sunday-7/comment-page-1/#comment-12734Sun, 13 Sep 2020 08:54:12 +0000 envy your ability to take pictures from a drone. Of course, I imagine using one to take pictures of a large car gathering from many vantage points.

By: chalkandcheesetravels/2020/09/13/dronie-sunday-7/comment-page-1/#comment-12733Sun, 13 Sep 2020 07:50:11 +0000 so green
