Comments on: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge – Geometry/2021/04/01/lapc-geometry/Reflections on places traveled and photos taken.Mon, 05 Apr 2021 01:54:20 +0000hourly1 Anne Sandler/2021/04/01/lapc-geometry/comment-page-1/#comment-15961Sat, 03 Apr 2021 19:44:11 +0000 post is a wow factor of 100. Great examples of geometry and beautiful images.

By: photobyjohnbo/2021/04/01/lapc-geometry/comment-page-1/#comment-15960Sat, 03 Apr 2021 17:39:41 +0000 reply to Sylvia Bacon.

It is indeed! Thanks for taking the time to stop and comment.

By: Sylvia Bacon/2021/04/01/lapc-geometry/comment-page-1/#comment-15959Sat, 03 Apr 2021 17:00:36 +0000 collection of pictures John, I especially like the imagine in the Great Hall at the Library of Congress! It is such a gorgeous building.

By: photobyjohnbo/2021/04/01/lapc-geometry/comment-page-1/#comment-15957Thu, 01 Apr 2021 23:35:39 +0000 reply to Leya.

Thank you much! My son put me on to Taliesin. He had visited there prior to our staying in AZ for the winter. I’m glad he mentioned that we might enjoy taking their guided tour.

By: Leya/2021/04/01/lapc-geometry/comment-page-1/#comment-15956Thu, 01 Apr 2021 21:19:16 +0000 fascinating, John! Thank you for taking us. Love, love the FLW works!

By: rulesoflogic/2021/04/01/lapc-geometry/comment-page-1/#comment-15955Thu, 01 Apr 2021 19:11:27 +0000 reply to photobyjohnbo.

Don’t I know it!

By: photobyjohnbo/2021/04/01/lapc-geometry/comment-page-1/#comment-15954Thu, 01 Apr 2021 19:08:28 +0000 reply to rulesoflogic.

You were lucky to have gotten out the day before. It was at least two weeks before any planes were flying again in U.S. airspace.

By: rulesoflogic/2021/04/01/lapc-geometry/comment-page-1/#comment-15953Thu, 01 Apr 2021 15:24:41 +0000 collection of pics, John. Seeing the photo from inside the Library of Congress reminds me of the time I was there doing research on my book that the Wall Street Journal would eventually call without a doubt the best book of its kind ever written. That review will get me breakfast at McDonald’s, as long as I also have six dollars.

I am also reminded that we were in downtown DC for that trip on September 7-9 of 2001. I laid eyes on the Pentagon mere days before the dastardly attack. We flew back home on September 10.

By: photobyjohnbo/2021/04/01/lapc-geometry/comment-page-1/#comment-15952Thu, 01 Apr 2021 14:49:39 +0000 reply to JohnRH.

Thank you, my friend!

By: JohnRH/2021/04/01/lapc-geometry/comment-page-1/#comment-15951Thu, 01 Apr 2021 14:22:37 +0000 examples John, and fascinating commentary. Excellent.
