Comments on: But I Digress – “Dear Loved One”… A Guest Writer’s Perspective/2014/07/16/but-i-digress-dear-loved-one-a-guest-writers-perspective/Reflections on places traveled and photos taken.Mon, 28 Jul 2014 15:55:06 +0000hourly1 karenrsanderson/2014/07/16/but-i-digress-dear-loved-one-a-guest-writers-perspective/comment-page-1/#comment-1017Thu, 24 Jul 2014 00:02:50 +0000 reply to Denise Hisey.

Absolutely! I might not love WarHammer. No matter. My son loves it, so I should be enthusiastic!

By: karenrsanderson/2014/07/16/but-i-digress-dear-loved-one-a-guest-writers-perspective/comment-page-1/#comment-1010Tue, 22 Jul 2014 23:55:19 +0000 lightbulb just went on in my head. I wrote Dear Loved One with my own groans and moans. But once John posted it – and I got new comments – I had a revelation. I was complaining about my family not realizing my dream. But was I realizing others’ dreams? I was, a little bit, but not enough. I am going to write another blog post about “realizing and supporting the dreams of others.”

By: karenrsanderson/2014/07/16/but-i-digress-dear-loved-one-a-guest-writers-perspective/comment-page-1/#comment-1002Sat, 19 Jul 2014 22:08:48 +0000 reply to Audrey Keith.

I agree, Audrey! And I owe you an email… I have so much to tell you…

By: karenrsanderson/2014/07/16/but-i-digress-dear-loved-one-a-guest-writers-perspective/comment-page-1/#comment-1001Sat, 19 Jul 2014 22:07:31 +0000 reply to Barbara Forte Abate.

Unfortunately, I have a few friends and family members that are as you and I describe. They love me, but they don’t read “my stuff.” Their loss! On the other hand, I have a huge, supportive online tribe who do read my stuff and support me and promote me. Thank God for tribes!

By: Audrey Keith/2014/07/16/but-i-digress-dear-loved-one-a-guest-writers-perspective/comment-page-1/#comment-997Fri, 18 Jul 2014 19:18:48 +0000 is a great letter, and so very true. Although my husband is very supportive, most of the people I know could have been the ones you are writing about. That’s why I love and depend on my art club and my writer friends. It would be mighty lonesome without them.

By: Barbara Forte Abate/2014/07/16/but-i-digress-dear-loved-one-a-guest-writers-perspective/comment-page-1/#comment-994Wed, 16 Jul 2014 21:57:55 +0000 hoo, hey Karen! Hello, John. Nice place you have over here 😀

I’m sure I’d adore this excellent letter even if it didn’t fit so well, but it does, and I do. I worry that too often in this ridiculously fast-paced world we live in, we allow ourselves to forget to stop now and again to water another’s garden. Sometimes it’s as simple as acknowledging hard work, diligent passion, or a finished project. At others, it requires a further stretch, reading a new book, attending an opening, saying “I’m proud of you for hanging in there–for accomplishing what you set out to do.”

It saddens me that I myself can so easily fill in that blank with more than a few names, but it is a sensation I will not allow to settle or linger. Instead I focus my gaze on the far brighter light cast out by good and understanding friends–many of whom I’ve never even met in person–yet who are consistently generous in lending a good word, pat on the back, or essential nudge. All of which assures that the ones who “get it” easily trump those who don’t with every hand.

This letter of Karen’s is a keeper. A comforting reminder that so many of us are on that same road, dodging those same potholes…playing that same song.

By: Denise Hisey/2014/07/16/but-i-digress-dear-loved-one-a-guest-writers-perspective/comment-page-1/#comment-993Wed, 16 Jul 2014 21:11:43 +0000, somehow I missed this one previously. You’ve no doubt struck a nerve with many writers, though I’m happy to report I enjoy strong support from family/friends.
As you mentioned in your comment to Elizabeth, it doesn’t really matter if we enjoy something our friend/family member does -we should just support one another and be happy we all have some hobbies and interests. It’s what makes the world turn!

By: karenrsanderson/2014/07/16/but-i-digress-dear-loved-one-a-guest-writers-perspective/comment-page-1/#comment-992Wed, 16 Jul 2014 20:39:36 +0000 make an excellent point, Elizabeth, about also doing the same for others. No, all my friends’ interests are not mine, but I should support them and promote them and bolster them whenver possible. Thanks for visiting us here at John’s blog.

By: photobyjohnbo/2014/07/16/but-i-digress-dear-loved-one-a-guest-writers-perspective/comment-page-1/#comment-991Wed, 16 Jul 2014 15:07:22 +0000 reply to Elizabeth H Cottrell (@ElizCottrell).

I have been fortunate that I have family support for my projects. I know others are not so lucky.

By: Elizabeth H Cottrell (@ElizCottrell)/2014/07/16/but-i-digress-dear-loved-one-a-guest-writers-perspective/comment-page-1/#comment-990Wed, 16 Jul 2014 14:57:55 +0000 have read Karen’s powerful post before, but it never ceases to impress me with the way she cuts to the heart of anyone who has a passion or dream with no support or interest from their immediate family or friends. It has made me think about ways I can be more attentive to my own friends and what they want to do with their one precious life. Thank you, John, for sharing Karen’s excellent article.
