Weekly Photo Challenge — Unexpected

Photobombed by an unknown individual. At least he didn’t make any obscene or inappropriate gestures.

Yelapa, MX

This week, the photo challenge is depict something unexpected. From the Challenge post:

So, your photo challenge this week is to capture something unexpected. You can also interpret the theme in other ways: a street scene or landscape that just doesn’t look quite right, an impromptu portrait of a loved one, or any other image that reveals a sense of surprise.

It was with some surprise, when reviewing our photo collection from our Puerto Vallarta excursion, we found that we were photobombed. The Urban Dictionary first referenced “photobomb” as a word of the day in December, 2009. Since then, photobombing has become a popular pastime.

From the Urban Dictionary, definition 1:

(verb)- to drop in a photo unexpectedly…to hop in a picture right before it is taken.

sarah: hey why is jimmy in the background of our prom picture?
ryan: idk, he must have photobombed it at the last second.

When Lynn and I travel, we don’t bring home suitcases full of souvenirs. Instead, we have someone take our photo and we purchase one souvenir from the area, a graphical photo frame. We call them “cheesy picture frames”, the gaudier, the better. We now have quite a collection, and the number of photos grows with every new trip we make. Ideally, the frame will contain scenery that complements the image within the frame.

At an appropriate scenic location, we will ask someone to take our photo and we put it in the frame. I guess we’ve been lucky, having never had the pleasure of having a photo spoiled by a photobomber. Not until last spring, anyway. At first I was irritated, but then decided it would be fun to make light of the photobombing. I posted the above photo on my Facebook page along with a couple of other photos that I doctored using Photoshop Elements just for fun. For this week’s challenge, I submit the above unexpected photo, along with my two attempts at photobombing humor.

OMG, here he is again on the cruise ship!!

Gosh, golly! Look who photobombed us in Cartagena, Colombia.



    • Thanks. I was certainly annoyed because we had to take a decidedly 2nd best shot for our frame. Maybe I will try using Elements to remove his face sometime. 🙂

      Also, thanks much for the follow. I will enjoy checking out your site as well.

      • Yeah you may be able to remove the photo bomber out of your shot using Elements or Photoshop 😀 and no problem I love the photos and posts on your blog. Thanks for the follow too!

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