Export Nav Objects by Code

Exporting locked nav objects can be a problem when importung in target database. it’s not that easy to unlock them in the target database. So for that you can export nav objects by code and check Lock status before exporting.

Create a new report, add dataitem Object. set report to processingonly.

select dataitem Object, set property ReqFilterFields to Type,ID.
set request page: add field Path (Text).

add following code to trigger OnOpenPage:

Object.SETRANGE(Type,Object.Type::Table);Path := 'c:\temp';

add following code to report trigger OnPreReport():

finsql := 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\100\RoleTailored Client\finsql.exe';IF NOT FILE.EXISTS(finsql) THEN  ERROR('finsql not found');

additional add that code to trigger Object – OnAfterGetRecord():

IF Object.Locked THEN BEGIN  Message(FORMAT(Object.Type)+'-'+FORMAT(Object.ID)+' is locked.');  // alternatively unlock object, then try again.  // Object.Locked := FALSE;  // Object.MODIFY;end ELSE begin  arguments := 'command=exportobjects,file=%1,servername=%2,database=%3,filter="Type=%4;ID=%5",ntauthentication=1';  arguments := STRSUBSTNO(arguments,Path+'\'+FORMAT(Object.Type)+'-'+FORMAT(Object.ID)+'.fob','localhost','Cronus',Object.Type,Object.ID);  Process.Start(finsql,arguments);  result := result + FORMAT(Object.Type)+'-'+FORMAT(Object.ID)+'\';END;

to trigger Object – OnPostDataItem():


Global Variables:

Process DotNet System.Diagnostics.Process.'System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'arguments Textfinsql TextPath Textresult Text
