Weekly Photo Challenge – Summer Lovin’

Lake Itasca, MN

This week Krista challenges us to show us “Summer Lovin”. From the challenge post, “This week, share a photo that says summer lovin’ to you. It might be a favorite pair of sandals you can’t bear to part with, the homemade salsa you made with veggies from your garden, the flowers you planted, or your family frolicking on the beach.” Click here to view the challenge details.

I submit for your summer entertainment my entries in Summer Lovin’. In my opening image, the lady in the canoe can’t help but take a photo of the girl who is crossing the Mississippi River at its headwaters. At Itasca, the mighty Mississippi is barely a trickle as it begins its journey of over 2000 miles (3200 km) to the Gulf of Mexico.

One of my favorite summer photos, another shot of the couple in the canoe is hanging as a canvas print in a partial collection of the Four Seasons prints. I hope this fall to add a fall colors image to complete the collection.

My third challenge entry is a shot of a summer day in North Dakota. Painted Canyon Visitor Center overlooks the Theodore Roosevelt National Park. This photo features one of the many beautiful views of the park on a summer day.

Summer is short in the upper Midwest of the United States. If it’s true that absence makes the heart grow fonder, people in the northern latitudes of the United States must truly experience Summer Lovin’.

John Steiner

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