Lens-Artists Challenge #317 – Walking the Neighborhood

Prairiewood Golf Course.

Tina is hosting this week’s challenge, and she shares some beautiful images of her neighborhood. She writes, “I’m asking you to share YOUR neighborhood with the rest of us.” Her challenge post is here.

During the summer, Lynn and I are city dwellers living in a neighborhood of condos and apartment buildings. We can walk to the local mall, restaurants, and a grocery store. Our neighborhood is not nearly as photogenic as Tina’s, but we have some green spaces. There are two neighborhood parks and a golf course, which is the subject of my opening photo. I combined two images of the water hazard to create this panorama that includes two young ladies as they finished the round on this 9-hole course.

Getting ready to tee off.

As I walked into the area of that water hazard, I first noticed the two young people having made their tee shots approaching the fairway on this short hole with a water hazard.

Nice shot.

The girl approached her ball at the edge of the green, putter in hand. As I was distracted by shooting photos of the water hazard, I didn’t notice how many strokes she made before holing out. I hung up my golf clubs years ago and have not visited Prairiewood, so I thought I might take a few photos for Tina’s challenge there.

Woodbury Park.

Boler Park is the closest city park to my condo, so that’s often where I practice my drone flying. Woodbury Park, however, is larger, so we sometimes go there for drone flying when Boler Park is busy. However, it’s a long walk to Woodbury Park, so we take the car when hauling the drone equipment. Here’s a drone selfie of us getting ready to do some practice maneuvers. Note the pen in Lynn’s hand. She logs the details of the flights, like time aloft, location, and other details, for my log book.

The Interstate ministack from Woodbury Park.

One September afternoon, we went to Woodbury Park for drone practice. As the afternoon wore on, we were treated to some beautiful skies. Though the subject, the junction of I-94 and I-29, isn’t spectacular, the sky that afternoon certainly was.

On the way to Boler Park.

A walk to Boler Park in the winter might look like the photo above. No, we don’t often walk anywhere in the winter, but it was a pleasant day after a snowfall. I posted this photo to record our neighborhood street on social media. Normally, we aren’t anywhere near Fargo this time of year. >grin<

Boler Park.

The walk to Boler Park is only a couple of long blocks. In summer, the park is sometimes busy with a soccer field and play sets, often filled with laughter and the sounds of youngsters playing. In winter, not so much. That grove of trees hides a large apartment complex.

On the street where I live.

I can’t end this post with what might appear to be negative comments about my hometown. After all, we’ve lived in the area since 1978. We raised two kids, built a career, and met my goal of a traveling retirement. I have nothing but love for the community… just not winter. >grin<

Fargo has beautiful summers, and the fall colors can be spectacular. I had just swung out of my driveway on an errand when I noticed the sun peeking through the cloud layers and illuminating the trees. I pulled to the curb and took a cell phone photo of the glorious display before me.

That’s it for my challenge response this week. Thanks to Tina for getting me to visit the golf course near our house. I will be taking a break from Lens-Artists in October. If the stars align, Lynn and I will head for South Africa and a photo safari in Kruger Park on Sunday, then on to Amsterdam to board a cruise ship back to the United States. I am only taking an iPad, and I don’t expect adequate WiFi access for our month of adventure. I will take plenty of photos and build a gallery of images to bore you for a year of Travel Tuesdays, I’m sure.

While we are gone, my Travel Tuesday and Cellpic Sunday posts will be published via the WordPress scheduler as usual. Feel free to comment and link your Cellpic Sunday posts, though I expect I will not respond promptly, given my lack of connectivity for the month.

Finally, thanks to Egidio for last week’s Fun challenge. You can expect Patti’s challenge to publish at Noon Eastern Time on Saturday. If you’d like to publish your own challenge response but aren’t sure how to do so, click here for more information.

John Steiner


  1. A wonderful overview of your neighborhood John, it’s great to think of everyone in the place where they usually are! of course you and Lynn are not “usually” anywhere with all of your travels! Loved the gorgeous autumn trees and also enjoyed the overview of the highway with the beautiful sky. Have a fantastic adventure in Africa – can’t wait to hear/see all about it!

  2. Those fall colours in your street are gorgeous. But because I love the snow and snow-kissed landscapes, I have to say I love the your snow images first.

  3. I think many of us think we don’t live somewhere beautiful. I have beautiful parks, but the actual places outside them are just normal and boring.

    I love the winter shots and I really like the way you have photographed it John, it is great.

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