Weekly Photo Challenge – Transition

This week, Jen H. challenges us to provide a photo perspective on transitions. Her examples include leaves changing from summer greens to autumn ruby or a little one’s first steps transitioning from baby to toddler. You can view the entire challenge post here.

For my challenge entry, I am including a gallery of images showing a single glider flight. In the image above, the pilot readies himself to transition from stationary to land based motion. A glider flight is full of transitions. From a scientific standpoint, a towplane gives the glider potential energy by towing it to a release altitude. As the glider pilot flies, he or she attempts to minimise the loss of energy to stay aloft as long as possible. When conditions are right, gliders can stay aloft for hours. Eventually, however, they must transition back to an earthbound status. Follow the gallery of images in transition. Click on an image to view and scroll through the gallery.


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