Dotnet Events are not shown

There are 2 scenarios, where embedded events of .net (dotnet) assemblies can/should be displayed in the c/al code … or maybe not.

Scenario 1:
You use a control-addin like the PingPong Control-Addin (Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.PingPong). For usage it’s needed that a control-addin is listed in the Control-Addin Page. If so, you can select it from the list, wenn you set a value in property ControlAddin of Page’s field. If the control-addin has embedded events, they should be displayed immediately at the end of the fields triggers in the c/al code.

If not, then

  • the assembly has no events
  • the eventhandling in the assembly was developed not correctly
  • the from the Control-Addin referenced assembly Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.UI.Extensibility has the wrong version! This assembly is referenced by every Control-Addin. Microsoft ships with each version (build, CU) mostly (always?) new build versions of all the Nav assemblies.


Scenario 2:

You declare a global variable of type dotnet and use a .net assembly, which has embedded events. These events are only shown, if you set the variable’s property “WithEvents” to Yes.

If the property is set to No (default), the events are not shown in the c/al code.
if you have set it to true, after that to false, the events stay … for the moment. Compile, re-edit the object and the events in the c/al code are gone.

P.S.: The rumour that the WithEvents property is obsolete, is wrong! It is used in global variables of type dotnet  and is mandatory for the usage of embedded windows events. It was also used in old COM/OCX Components. That one is obsolete in newer Nav versions.

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