Weekly Photo Challenge – Heritage

Fargo, North Dakota.

This week, Ben Huberman asks us to “share a photo that channels a living tradition, whether it’s your own or someone else’s.” In that post, he shared an image of a Reconciliation Pole. The pole, a 55-foot (16 m) long totem that commemorates a sad time in North American history while at the same time honoring the Native American heritage. You can read the entire challenge post here.

My take on this challenge is also focused on the American Natives of the Great Plains. Over the years, I’d seen photos and news stories about Native American Powwows. It occurred to me they might be interesting, but until last year when the Crossroads Powwow came to Fargo, I’d never been to one. Last May, I posted a gallery of images captured at that event. This year, the Powwow will be back on the first weekend in June, and I will be spending some more time there. In the image above, two participants, one clearly less enthused than the other, wait for their turn to participate. In the image below, another youngster is immersed in the dance.

You can view a gallery of images and read more about the Crossroads Powwow here.

John Steiner


  1. Great photos. I tried to go to a Pow Wow, but the road was jammed with cars trying to get there. After about an hour or so, I turned and took another road out of there…

  2. Beautiful shots, John! I haven’t been to a powwow, but I’ve been to an Indian rodeo and afterwards they had the opening evening of the dancing competition. Amazing.


  3. Great pics as usual! Never been to one but the father in law goes to one every year, maybe you should carpool! Happy weekend, whatever ya’ do have fun!

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