Weekly Photo Challenge: The Golden Hour

Downtown Fargo’s Island Park

Fargo, North Dakota

This week’s challenge is “The Golden Hour.” That time of especially dramatic lighting just after sunrise or just before sunset that photographers love to use to light their subject.

On a recent late afternoon, my wife and I met our daughter and grandson, Owen, in Island Park. In between taking many photos of Owen at play and a few shots of a Lockheed-Martin C130 “Hercules” military cargo hauling aircraft inbound for touch and goes at the Fargo Airport, I spotted a park bench in the late afternoon shade.

I decided to take a few photos of the bench with the sun backlighting the trees in the park.

Herewith, I submit for your approval (or not), my weekly challenge entry depicting the golden hour.

John Steiner


  1. Beautiful capture of a golden sight in wonderful Fargo! I want to sit on that bench for a golden hour!

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