Weekly Photo Challenge – Intricate

This week, Krista challenges us to capture what is intricate in our interpretation. You can read the entire challenge post here. When I first read the challenge, the two photos I am now submitting came to mind immediately. At the stern of the ship on Deck 7 we discovered the Bliss Lounge. It’s not unusual to have a lounge on a cruise ship, but how about a bowling alley? Four lanes of bowling are available to guests on the ship. The bar area features ornate cornices in the form of gold dragons. Their intricate design immediately came to mind.


The lounge area features ornately carved snake-like dragons on the support columns as well. Their intricate design enhances the design of the bar and lounge. These two photos are my submission for this week’s Photo Challenge.


John Steiner


  1. […] stenoodie Weekly Photo Challenge: Intricate I Never Unpack The Intricacy of the Simple Dandelion Journeys with Johnbo Weekly Photo Challenge – Intricate Il faudra repartir WPC : Intricate (Complexe) jillreidy Intricacies of Life and Love la parole […]

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