Cellpic Sunday – 22 November 2015

Goodyear, Arizona.

This week’s Cellpic Sunday image was taken on Saturday at the intersection of Dysart and Butterfield Trails in Estrella Mountain Regional Park. Now that we are back in Arizona, we started hiking regularly again. Maricopa County Parks is sponsoring their second annual 100 Miles in 100 Days Challenge. We’ve been hiking an average of 8 miles a week on the theory that by the end of 100 days, (November 1 through February 8); we will have our 100 miles completed.

It’s a good theory, but since we are traveling home to Fargo around the Christmas holidays, we won’t be able to hike, putting us almost three weeks off schedule. So, starting next week, we’ll be adding an extra day of hiking. By adding an extra day of hiking, we won’t burn ourselves out with extra long hikes on any given day, and we should be able to pick up the missing miles before February 8.

You can read about the challenge from a post I wrote last year. Click here. If you are in the Phoenix area and would like to participate in the challenge, the rules are here. The challenge is 100 miles for hikers and trail runners, 200 miles for mountain bikers and horse riders.

The rule for Cellpic Sunday is simple. The image must be captured and edited with a mobile device.

John Steiner


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