Denver Botanic Garden – A Natural Work of Art

Denver, Colorado.

“You’ve just taken a photo of an optical illusion,” I heard just after snapping the shutter on my camera. I turned to look for the speaker. It was a gentleman volunteer from the Botanic Garden. He commented that the design of the landscape is meant to make it look longer than it really is. The walkway and green areas all taper toward the distance and the trees bordering the garden area are shorter at the far end from where this photo was captured. The walk down the path didn’t take nearly as long as one might think. It is a great illusion you have to experience to really feel the effect.

The Botanic Gardens can be found on York Street or at Chatfield Farms on a historic farm and homestead. Our visit was at the York Street gardens. Those who follow my travels have seen other posts of my stops at Botanic Gardens. They are a great place to simply enjoy nature. York Street is a 24 acre property with a collection of several unique and varied gardens. From the Science Pyramid to the Children’s Garden, there’s something for everyone there.

The day Lynn and I visited, we saw many volunteers at work. They appear to have a loyal following of members who enjoy making the gardens thrive. The concept for the gardens began to be developed in the early 1950’s. Originally located in City Park, the York Street gardens found their current location in conjunction with Cheesman Park.

The day we visited was mostly cloudy with only an occasional dash of sunshine, but the temperature in late June was quite comfortable for our afternoon visit. There is a parking facility right across the street from the gardens, though larger vehicles may have issues and should consider alternative transportation. Lynn and I enjoyed our afternoon at the gardens. I submit for your review, a collection of images captured on our walk through the gardens. In some browsers, click on an image to enlarge it and to scroll through the gallery.


John Steiner



  1. Gorgeous! So fun to check out botanical gardens. As beautiful as they are, they are too curated to really call nature. That kind of order does not happen in nature. What a cool optical illusion… They got it together. Leave it to Denver to provide a lil’ green space for everyone! hahaha 😉

    • I was totally blown away by the illusion. What looks like a long walk took far fewer steps than it would appear. Looking back, I’m sorry I didn’t get a photo from the other direction. That view looked really short and kinda weird because the perspective appeared wrong.

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