Weekly Photo Challenge – Ambience

This week, Jeff Golenski asks us to share an image or two reflecting exceptional ambience. He goes on to say, “Ambience is the atmosphere of one’s surrounding environment. It basically boils down to how one’s surrounding impact the human senses and alter the feelings of an individual.” You can read the entire challenge post here.

One of our favorite pastimes finds us on a cruise ship. The ocean environment, the relaxed atmosphere, the thrill of visiting new locations all demonstrate that a cruise is a special example that the excitement is in the journey, as much as it is in the destination. The two images above, and the gallery of images below feature sights captured on two separate cruises on Norwegian Cruise Lines ship, the Norwegian Pearl. Just putting together this gallery reminds me of the great times we had journeying through the Panama Canal, and then a couple years later going north to Alaska. A cruise ship has an ambiance all her own.

You can read more about our excursions on the Norwegian Pearl here and here. Click on an image in the gallery below to enlarge it and to scroll through the images.

John Steiner




  1. Hahaha Your top pic of that velvet room, where Elvis clearly vomited… LOL On the left, I was looking and thinking omg this is the worst painting ever… Then I realized, oh that’s a TV! 🙂

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