Lens-Artists Challenge #338 – Pick a Word

Old 353

For my first challenge of the year, it’s time for you to pick a challenge topic. I call this challenge “Pick a Word.” You must choose a word that fits your topic and select three or four appropriate photos to share.

The word you pick could be from photographic techniques like”Backlit, Landscape, Portrait, Minimalist” or subject descriptions like “Mountain, River, Architecture, Wildlife.” Or you can pick your theme word. All of the images in your post would use that single chosen word. Feel free to be as descriptive in your word choice as possible. As an example, I initially thought about using the term “vehicle” but considered that most people only think of cars and trucks as vehicles. I picked an older word more in keeping with my photo set. That word is “conveyance.”

The Oxford Dictionary defines conveyance as the action of transporting goods or people from one place to another. All of my images for this challenge focus on transportation. The word, which has been used since the 15th century, is also used to transfer ownership of real or personal property. My first image of conveyance is a steam train in Rollag, Minnesota. Old 353 transports people around a small private track every Labor Day weekend during the Western Minnesota Steam Thresher’s Reunion.

Riverfront Park.

Riverfront Park in Spokane, Washington, is a hub of activity throughout the year, but it’s especially lively during its annual celebrations. We visited the park in October 2021 to discover one of their celebrations in full regalia. One of the activities included the conveyance of guests around the park in an old-style buckboard wagon drawn by two horses.

Mazatlan Group Taxi.

In Mazatlan, Mexico, tourists are shuttled around the city in taxis known locally as Pulmonias. These mini taxi cabs are a little more than a deluxe golf cart. They typically hold only three people, one seated beside the driver and the others in the back seat. You can rent a larger taxi if you want to transport from four to twelve people. The back end of small pickups is fitted with two bench seats along the sides of the pickup bed. Side rails and a steel cage tailgate are all the safety devices provided for conveying people from one part of the city to another.

Tour boat at Kinderdyk, the Netherlands.

In the province of South Holland, the Netherlands, the village of Kinderdyk is world-famous for its collection of 18th-century windmills. Visitors can walk along the canal to visit the windmills or take a tour boat to view the nineteen windmills built around 1740.

That’s all for my word choice of “conveyance.” I am looking forward to seeing what word you pick to share in your challenge response. Be sure to tag your post with “Lens-Artists” and post a link in the comments section of this challenge post.

Last week, Sofia challenged us to be BOLD, and it’s Anne’s turn next week. Anne’s challenge will post on Saturday, March 8 at noon Eastern Standard Time. To be sure you get a notice of her challenge when it goes live, follow her site here. If you’d like to join the challenge each week, but aren’t sure how to get started, check here.

John Steiner


  1. I forgot how enjoyable these photo challenges/mental challenges really are while I was on my little (looong) break, lol. Nicely done! I mostly appreciate how you show transportation from around the globe.

  2. What a great word, conveyance! I love your horse-drawn conveyance. Aren’t those fun? Actually they all look fun now. I’m a little mad at the conveyance drivers we have today. I they they need to spend some time in your sample conveyances. 🙂 xxx

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