Cellpic Sunday – Lobster Sculptures in Rome

Lobster sculpture on the Via Veneto – Photo by Patricia Broesder

Rome, Italy.

This week, our Cellpic Sunday features a guest photo by my niece, Patricia Broesder. She and her husband accompanied Lynn and me on our Mediterranean cruise from London to Rome in the autumn of 2022.

One of the iconic streets in Rome is Via Veneto. As we strolled along, we ran into several giant lobster sculptures. They are obviously not in the classic style of art we expected to see in the ancient city. When my niece aimed her camera to take an image of the unusual lobster covered in sunflowers, I stepped from behind to photobomb her image.

King Lobster

The lobster sculptures varied from humorous to histrionic as in this example of King Lobster dispatching Medusa. We were to learn after returning to the United States that these sculptures were on display through January 8, 2023, and were the work of British artist Philip Colbert. The Scotland-born artist now lives in London and is considered the “Crown Prince of Pop Art.”

About the photos: The opening image was captured on an iPhone and King Lobster was photographed on my Samsung, both basically snapshots in composition. Patricia shared her image with me for publication here and I tweaked both images in Luminar Neo by first dropping them into the HDR module as single images, followed by cropping and straightening. Both images received Luminar Neo’s new Noise Reduction processing and I then used Neo’s Enhancement AI tool and the Structure AI tool to add some contrast and detail. The processing took no more than 5 minutes each.

Both of these images fit the definition of public art, so I am including them in the #PPAC (Photographing Public Art Challenge) now being hosted by Natalie the Explorer. As this is being written in December for the February 19, 2023, Cellpic Sunday post, I am linking it to Natalie’s main page where you can see her latest PPAC post.

I encourage fellow bloggers to create their own Cellpic Sunday posts. I never have a specific topic for this feature, and the only rules are that the photo must be captured with a cell phone, iPad, or another mobile device… If you have an image from a drone or even a dashcam, that’s acceptable as well. The second rule is to link your challenge response to this post or leave a comment here with a link to your post in the comment. Oh, and, you don’t have to post it on a Sunday.

John Steiner


  1. Those are hysterical. I could see them in Mexico, Spain, Portugal, or maybe Florida! (somewhere colorful), but in Rome of all places. I’ll bet some of the locals were happy it was a temporary installation. Thanks for the smile.

      • I was stoked to get a trifecta. Remembering to add the link in comments almost was my undoing as pingbacks don’t work. Found that out on my Ragtag Thursday prompt.
        I used to do that before pingbacks made me lazy. Now I am back at it until either WP fix it or scrap it but at least let us know.

  2. These are so cute, colorful and fun, John! Not what you would expect to see in Rome! I’m so glad you linked to Natalie’s PPAC challenge. I have my coffee share post almost ready to link to yours, Natalie’s, Terri’s and LAPC.

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