Cellpic Sunday – 27 November 2016

Buckeye, Arizona.

On Thanksgiving evening, we were back in Buckeye only a few days. We were running errands, getting the house cleaned from its being unused all summer while it gathered Arizona dust. Company coming for Thanksgiving!

I glanced outside just as we were preparing to run another errand and noticed another Buckeye sunset was already in progress. We hustled up, no time to grab the “good” camera, only my cellphone in my pocket. If I was lucky, we would arrive at my favorite sunset point before the sun finally dipped behind the distant mountains. As you can see by the photo, we made it just in time.

About the photo: This shot was captured on a Samsung S7 cellphone. f/1.7; 1/850 sec. ISO-50. It was transferred to an iPad and edited, cropped and foreground lightened to bring out a hint of detail. The rule for Cellpic Sunday is simple. The image must be captured and edited on a mobile device.


One comment

  1. Gorgeous! Bet it’s nice to be back in the warm. It’s in the 40’s here but we heard it’s going to be highs in the teens in ND, MN… Eeew. Not looking forward to that, at all. LOL

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