Weekly Photo Challenge – Humanity

A group of fishermen preparing to go to sea in Zihuatanejo, Mexico

Our photo challenge for the week presented a larger burden for me than usual. From the challenge post, “For this week’s challenge, share what humanity means to you. Share a single photo or a collage like the tiled gallery below to represent a sea of humanity.To view the example gallery and the entire challenge post, click here.

A worker at a Seattle, Washington fish market preparing a king salmon to be sold

Regular followers of this blog will realize that I typically feature landscapes or other non-human subjects. Looking through my collection of images, I found more examples of humanity than I’m sure anyone would care to review. For this challenge, I decided to include only images that focus on the day-to-day work lives of people with whom I’ve happened to cross paths in my travels. I present for your consideration a gallery of images featuring “humanity at work”. Click on any of the images below to enlarge it and to scroll through the gallery.

John Steiner


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