Wildflower Hike – White Tank Mountain Regional Park

Waddell, Arizona.

As we wind down to the last few days of the spring of 2017, sitting here in Fargo on a rainy Tuesday morning, I recall those last few days in Buckeye in late March.  This spring, the wildflower season is the best I’ve seen since wintering in Arizona. Prior to this year, 2013 was my go-to year for showing off wildflowers. This year far surpasses 2013 in coverage. My only disappointment this year is that we had to leave a bit earlier than usual and missed the cactus blossom season. On this last walk of the season, captured March 17, there were plenty of cacti buds, but only a couple of hedgehog cactus actually flowered. They weren’t even yet at the point where I felt they were photo ready.

The Lupine and Mexican Golden Poppies were plentiful, and as can be seen by the opening photo, the brittlebush plant’s distinctive yellow blossoms layered the landscapes. Our last hike of the season found us at the trail head of the Mesquite Canyon Trail in the White Tank Mountain Regional Park. It was a short hike, only about a mile and a half and covered parts of the Mesquite Canyon and Waddell Trails. Enough writing about what we saw. I submit for your approval (or not), a gallery of images captured on our last hike of 2017. Click on an image to enlarge it and to scroll through the gallery.



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