Lens-Artists Challenge #241- Spring

Prickly pear cactus

This week, Sofia asks us to think about the burgeoning spring season in the northern hemisphere. “Spring is the returning of life, of new beginnings and, in my case, of hope.” You can read her entire challenge post at https://photographias.wordpress.com/2023/03/18/lens-artists-challenge-spring-2/.

Before wintering the the desert Southwest, I thought life with minimal water was pretty barren. While it is true that there are dryer deserts than the Sonoran, it is truly not lifeless. The image above is a sign of spring with the blooming of desert plants one of the harbingers.

Spring training

Arizona hosts the Cactus League, several Major League Baseball teams have training fields in the Phoenix area. Exhibition games are popular with residents and visitors alike.

Lynn and I are currently cruising along the coast of South America, so I don’t have any new photos from this journey as it is approaching autumn in Brazil.

Given our limited Internet access, I am keeping my post to a minimum this week and next. My regular Travel Tuesday and Cellpic Sunday posts will be as normal since they were created before we left home and will publish automatically.

Thanks to Sofia for her challenge reminding us that the feet of snow in our home in North Dakota will soon melt to be replaced anew with signs of spring.

John Steiner


  1. LOL John. We were unaware that the day we arrived at the PHX airport was opening day of spring training. Oy, what a MESS !! 😊. Loved your spring bloom-so vibrant. Enjoy your journey!!

  2. I love this. I think people forget we host Spring Training sometimes. Like Tina when you get here you realize how prevalent it is. For a few years, I enjoyed going to the different stadiums. It’s definitely spring with baseball. And I love the cactus. Travel well.

  3. Pitchers and Catchers report February 14. It is fitting that that date is also AZ’s Birthday.Spring in AZ blooms when the migrating players from MLB flock to AZ, and the A’s to Hohokum field.

    • I’ll be in Arizona during training season again this spring. I hope to attend a few games! The migration of MLB is a sure sign of spring, and the sure sign of autumn in Arizona is that the license plates on the vehicles change colors.

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