Weekly Photo Challenge – Today Was a Good Day

This week, Cheri Lucas Rowlands challenged us to learn a new technology from our blog hosts at WordPress. The challenge is to feature a gallery of images that tell of a good day. It gives me a good excuse to try a mesh gallery. You can view the challenge post here.The day I featured in this challenge experiment is a hike on the Dutchman 104 Trail. You can read more about the hike and the good day (part of a good weekend, actually) that we had here.


Looking at the output of the new gallery, I see that I need to make changes in how my images are processed if I am going to use the mesh gallery routinely. The images I post are low resolution to save space on the WordPress server, and they are a widescreen format. Viewing the images embedded in the post gives a square format image, portions of the left and right sides of the images are “chopped” or cropped. If you click on an image, you get a full wide screen view of the image, but you have to click on the image again to restore it to square format so you can move to the next image in the gallery. Alternatively, you can click on a “full-screen” icon located on the upper right of the gallery image. That gives you a full widescreen image. However, on my 20-inch monitor, the low resolution of the images designed to save server space is not flattering to the image at all.

I was tempted to complete this challenge without using the mesh as I can present a better quality image in the original WordPress gallery mode. However the folks at WordPress have asked to use the mesh technology so they can find out what kinds of issues the new technology creates. To see a better quality, yet complete widescreen view of the images, go here.

I am looking forward to reading any comments you may have about the technology and how it works on your device or computer.

John Steiner



  1. I was tempted to complete this challenge without using the mesh as I can present a better quality image in the original WordPress gallery mode. However the folks at WordPress have asked to use the mesh technology so they can find out what kinds of issues the new technology creates.

    Thanks so much for testing this out — we appreciate your experimental spirit 🙂 It’ll help the Mesh team improve the experience. Comments you’ve noted above = valuable feedback — if you’re interested/have time, feel free to post this sort of input at http://feedback.me.sh.

    I also like that you created a different version — I love seeing the effort and energy that our users and bloggers put into their work.

    Thanks again!

    • I will be happy to pass along the info to the mesh team. I like the ease with which galleries can be shared, and I like the smooth slide transitions. I will research what size an image should be to ensure a quality image on a larger screen display. Images look fine on smaller mobile devices, but some of us who are “of a certain age” prefer viewing on larger screens. 😀

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