Weekly Photo Challenge – Work of Art

Bisbee, AZ

In this week’s challenge, we are summoned to submit images that are easily recognizable as works of art in their own right. Of course, the implication is that they might not actually be the classical definition of an art work. You can view the original challenge post here. The photo example provided a plated meal. I would have called it a snack, though I suspect it was probably priced as a meal, especially since it was plated in New York City.

I have plenty of examples of artwork in the form of automotive creation taken at Barrett-Jackson and other classic automobile venues. I could have focused upon creative, even artistic examples of aircraft taken at air shows I’ve attended. Instead, I decided to focus my attention on graffiti art. I submit for your artistic interpretation two examples of works of art.

The vacant lot next to this artist’s building is much improved by the artist’s application of his or her talent.

Bisbee, Arizona is a community of artisans of all types. I suspect both of these examples were works created on the property of their owners to showcase their talent. If you happen to be near Bisbee, it’s worth a stop to visit the many arts and crafts stores there for unique and original works. I’m sure you would find it an enjoyable and worthwhile pastime. I have featured Bisbee in an earlier post. For more of what goes on in Bisbee, click here.

John Steiner

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