Cellpic Sunday – 3 January 2021

Enchanted Highway, North Dakota.

In Western North Dakota, a stretch of highway between Gladstone and Regent contains the world’s largest collection of scrap metal sculptures. This giant grasshopper is just part of the display at this location. Just to the right of the large sculpture, you can see one of the much smaller sculptures at this site. Each stop has a large parking area, a place to enjoy the view, and just maybe have a picnic lunch or snack. The 32-mile (51 km) section of highway was the dream come to fruition of metal sculptor Gary Greff.

The last sculpture in the series is near Regent. Westbound travelers along I-94 can take exit 72 south to Regent, then continue west on highway 21. At the “T”, take a right turn onto highway 22 to Dickinson where you can rejoin the Interstate.

About the photo: Captured with my Samsung S20U, this snapshot of the grasshopper was quite bland on an overcast day. After tweaking in Lightroom, I exported it to Luminar 4, and using Luminar’s sky replacement feature, I substituted a late summer North Dakota sky. Feel free to click on the image to enlarge it for a better view, (if your browser supports it.) On an upcoming Travel Tuesday post, I will feature a collection of my favorite sculptures captured along North Dakota’s Enchanted Highway.

John Steiner


    • In about a month, I’ll have a Travel Tuesday post about the Enchanted Highway featuring a few more of the sculptures on display along the highway! They are all interesting and represent a lot of man-hours.

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