Cellpic Sunday – 11 December 2016

Goodyear, Arizona.

Ever since we decided to winter in Arizona, we’ve been looking for a nice, relatively inexpensive convertible that we could leave in Arizona. This summer, at home in Fargo, we found one. Someone I’ve known for some time decided to sell his 2004 Mustang. Knowing he took care of it well and garaged it every winter, I knew it would be in decent shape so I bought it. When we headed to Arizona for the winter, we drove it.

Now that we are in Arizona, an opportunity to bring the Mustang to a local car show found us in Goodyear, about six miles from our Buckeye home. There were about 35 cars entered in this show, the first annual, was sponsored by a local car club and held at the headquarters of Southwest Specialty Food, Inc. They specialize in hot sauces and spices and their motto is “Have an ass kickin’ day.” In a future Travel Tuesday, I’ll share some more images captured at the show.

About the image: This photo was taken with my Samsung Galaxy S7 cellphone. f/1.7, 1/6240 sec. ISO-50. The rule for Cellpic Sunday is simple, The photo must be captured and edited on a mobile device.

John Steiner


    • Thanks. Yes, the black interior will be a heat magnet. If we were buying a new car, it would have a light interior. We purchased a large white beach towel that we keep in the back seat and deploy whenever we park the car in the sun. On Wednesday, we are headed back to Fargo for the holidays and to remind us what winter is really like. 🙂

      • Safe travel, John. I imaging Fargo will be very different from AZ. Many years ago we spent Christmas and New Years in the Phoenix area. It was a very different experience for us to sit outdoors in shorts and shirtsleeves on New Years Eve.

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