Weekly Photo Challenge – H2O

Fargo, North Dakota.

For this week’s photo challenge, Lignum Draco’s challenge asks us to feature water in any of its forms. You can read the entire challenge post here. In much of the United States, water can be routinely seen in natural forms in any of its three natural states, solid, liquid, or gaseous. The image above features a view of gaseous H2O. I was up early one morning in hopes of capturing a sunrise. As it turned out, the sunrise didn’t materialize, but I was able to capture this eerie view of a bridge with its street lights still illuminated.

That morning I was able to also capture some of that same H2O in liquid form as it transformed from a gas to a liquid in the form of dewdrops. This photo was taken but a few steps away from the opening photo, a closeup of the tall grasses on my right.

Fast forward a couple of months and move about three blocks south along the Red River and I will leave you with a view of water in its solid states, both snow and ice. As a bonus, the Red River wasn’t completely frozen over, liquid water in the lower right and gaseous H2O filled the sunset skies on a cold winter’s afternoon.

John Steiner


  1. Lovely depictions of water in its various forms. Your street lights in the top photograph looks like fire ablazing. Cool (warm?) effect. And thank you for dropping by my Cee’s B&W Photo Challenge.

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