Lens-Artists Photo Challenge – Feet and Shoes

This week, Ann-Christine gave me a difficult challenge. She notes in her post, “Why not celebrate summer fun with some Feet and Shoes? Even science tells us about the importance of letting our feet be free…” You can read her entire challenge post here.

So, I begin with my opening image from 2012. It was February, and our first few months spent entirely in Arizona was coincident with the centennial celebration of the state of Arizona’s admission into the union. As part of that celebration, Arizona’s Centennial promoters challenged everyone to hike 100 miles in the centennial year. Our newly adopted workout center offered to lead hikes to help people achieve the goal and it was from there that my wife and I began our love affair with hiking. I called this photo “End of the Trail.” That day we hiked 6.9 miles (11.1 km), our longest hike to date by far.

If you find yourself in Cheyenne, Wyoming you will likely come across at least one of these 8-feet (2.4 m) tall boots. The city boasts 25 hand-painted boots that can be found if you spend some time walking around the downtown area.

The boots are part of a fundraiser for the Cheyenne Depot Museum Foundation that was jointly sponsored by them and the Downtown Development Authority. Each boot is painted by a local artist and visitors can use their cellphones to get an audio description of the history depicted on each boot.

Summertime and the livin’ is easy… (That might be a great line for a song.) The photo above is from a special place to me. Lake Itasca in Minnesota is in the background underneath all of that wild rice. To take this photo, I was on the shore of the Mississippi River. The girl in bare feet is walking across the Mississippi at its headwaters. From this outflow at Lake Itasca, the river is beginning its 2340-mile (3766 km) journey to the Gulf of Mexico. Yes, you can walk across the mighty Mississippi here, but you probably want to do it in bare feet. Those rocks are slippery, and you probably don’t want to get your shoes wet if you happen to slip.

That’s all I have for this week’s challenge. I searched in vain for the photos I took at the Smithsonian Museum of American History some years ago. I photographed the pair of ruby slippers worn by Judy Garland in The Wizard of Oz. That photo was taken before the slippers were stolen and ultimately recovered by the FBI. Apparently, I need to ask the FBI to help find my lost photos. >grin<

John Steiner


  1. Some big shoes to fill. Thanks for the Blog. My  wife at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Muesem.  St. Michael’s, Maryland. Thanks again Charlie Chubbs Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

  2. LOL for the FBI John – I’m sure they’d be happy to help 😊. Loved your hiking boots and what a great idea to celebrate the centennial. I KNEW you’d find something terrific!

  3. Hi John. You had me laughing out loud at this: “Summertime and the livin’ is easy… (That might be a great line for a song.) ” 😊 I remember those boots in Wyoming! Have you ever been to Little Wyoming? (₩here my co-driver can-openered the roof of our UHaul rental on a move from SLC to New Hampshire) Great post! Best, Babsje

      • Yes, but most surprising was that at every stop for gas cross-country someone pointed to the peeled back roof and then at me and commented on “women drivers, eh.” And the biggest surprise of all? Returning the truck at Uhaul in Manchester, NH, the clerk looked at the badly damaged roor, then looked at the paperwork we signed, and then said “Looks like you brought the insurance. No charge for the damage.” Uhaul for the win. 😊

      • Good on you for having the insurance. I always buy insurance on rentals unless I know for sure my car insurance covers. It can save a lot of hassle for a relatively small cost.

        I am probably over insured but, I sleep well at night, and that is worth a lot. 🤤

  4. I love those boots! As soon as I saw the second picture I knew it was the headwaters of the mighty Mississippi! Yep, we walked across it barefoot. Thanks for making me smile with these images.

  5. Well, John – you rose to the challenge! And well done too! Love your hiking boots – didn’t know you were hikers as well? As always stories well told – thank you for coming along even if you thought…maybe not!

  6. Great post John! Again I had a hard time finding it, even looked in the reader! I’m trying to follow you again. Loved the boot.

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