Heard Museum Revisited – Focus on the Native American

A view of one of the two fountains in the main entrance courtyard.

Phoenix, Arizona

Regular readers have been following our visits to ancient Native American sites and even a Native American Powwow in the last few weeks. For today’s Travel Tuesday, I am featuring a visit to a Native American museum in downtown Phoenix, Arizona. Return with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear. May, 2015 to be exact.

The Heard Museum – Focus on the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas

On one of the warmest days yet this spring, my wife, Lynn, and I decided to spend some quality time in a museum that we were told should be on our list of places to visit in Phoenix. Our friends were correct.

We spent an interesting afternoon learning about several indigenous Native American groups that lived in the Southwest long before even the Spaniards came. We even discovered after we had lunch elsewhere that we could have enjoyed a nice lunch  in the Courtyard Cafe.

To view the rest of the blog post and the gallery of images, click here.

John Steiner





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