Weekly Photo Challenge – Prolific

Buckeye, Arizona.

This week, Krista Stevens’ visit to the Johnny Cash Museum caused her to reflect on the prolific works of that iconic musician. That visit was her inspiration for this week’s challenge, “…show us your interpretation of prolific.” You can read the entire challenge post here. Though the usual thought about a desert is that it is anything but prolific, except for sand and wind. My visits to the desert around Phoenix have proven that concept of the desert to be inaccurate, at least for the Sonoran Desert.

In the spring, the desert plants, like most plants anywhere, wake up from their dormant stage and begin to bloom. In the dry desert climate, only the hardiest of plants bloom in the driest of years. Those winters with an abundance of moisture bring out the blossoms on most desert plants. One plant, however, that seems to blossom, whether it’s been wet or dry is the brittlebush. In wet seasons, they produce many more yellow flowers than in drier times, but each spring, we can expect the yellow flowers to appear on this smaller shrub. The gallery featured here focuses on the brittlebush plant, most shots captured in late spring, 2017. In most browsers, you can click on an image to enlarge it and to scroll through the gallery.


      • Enjoy those cool days. Not too many people wander through ND, but I can say we have. My nephew went to UND. Loved it. We visited the campus, completed amused that the campus is like hamster habitrails to protect you from the winter. They love their hockey there. Have a good one.

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