Weekly Photo Challenge – Out of This World

Waddell, Arizona.

For this week’s photo challenge, Ben Huberman asks us to look at a place we’ve visited and “make it look and feel like something out of this world.” You can read the entire challenge post here. One of my favorite parks here in Arizona is the White Tank Mountain Regional Park just a few minutes north of our winter home. I like to think that I know it pretty well. Something I did recently made me look at the park in a different way, a way that happened to fit this week’s theme.

I was doing some experimenting with black-and-white a few weeks ago and decided to make a calendar of monochrome images. I selected several of my favorite color images of the park and converted them to black and white. Those that gave me a surprise look and feel ended up in my calendar. This particular image looks pretty much like the Arizona desert, however I picked it to share with you as an example that I feel meets the challenge this week due to the unusual cloud pattern in the sky. It could be a desert on a planet in an alternate universe, one where no color exists and the skies are not what we are used to seeing here on earth. In a future post, I will share the entire selection of calendar images with you, but for now, consider this week’s photo challenge entry as a teaser. On most browsers, you can click on the image to enlarge it for a closer look.

John Steiner


  1. Kent Brockman on the Simpsons once described Arizona as an unlivable mars-scape… Apt description, but at least it’s a beautiful unlivable mars-scape!

    • There were no red rocks. Someone else asked me to post the color version and I will do that when I get a chance. I do think the black and white version is the better image. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  2. Amazing photos! I lived back east before moving to Tucson 5 years ago and the beauty of the desert is a well- kept secret!

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