Cellpic Sunday – 4 March 2018

Somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean.

It was the fall of 2014 when we headed on board a ship for our last cruise. At one point, we’d put a deposit on a cruise to Cuba, having heard of the great photography options and the friendliness of the people from other photographer friends who travelled there. With the Presidential election and a changing travel policy toward Cuba on the horizon, I decided to wait to see how the political climate might change and we cancelled our deposit for now. When my nephew suggested a family cruise, we signed up as soon as we found the details. It was a great cruise, a mini family reunion, and time away from electronic media with its constant drone of Internet babble. It was also a break from my volunteer job for the Civil Air Patrol. What better way to relax than sit on the fantail, coffee (or something stronger) in hand, and simply enjoy the views.

About the photo: The hour before sunset is often called the Golden Hour and this evening surely qualified. This image was captured at f/1.9, 1/680 sec., ISO-40 on my Samsung S6 Cellphone. On most browsers, you can click on the image to enlarge it to view in greater detail. The rule for Cellpic Sunday is simple. The image must be captured on a mobile device.

John Steiner


  1. Oh man, do we enjoy putting down the electronics and just enjoying life sans internet… I imagine it must be nice to do it & relax on the open seas!

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