But I Digress… A Decade of Blogging

Travel Collage

Fargo, North Dakota (and other places.)

I am stepping away from my usual Travel Tuesday post today. This week marks the 10th anniversary of Journeys with Johnbo. When I started, I wasn’t sure why I wanted to start a blog, but I guess the main motivation was my desire to travel and share my rekindled interest in photography.

Below is the first paragraph of the introduction I wrote in that post along with a link to the original post published on March 18, 2013. Bob Lowry is still writing for his blog, though its focus has broadened from the days when I first discovered his financial information for pre- and post-retirees. The link to Bob’s blog in my original post will take you to his latest posts.

My son, Josh, was a contributor to The People’s Project, his section of the site was called The People’s Palate. That link also works and takes you to a collection of recipes and other food-related articles. You might even like to try some of his recipes. He is an excellent cook as I am reminded by the wonderful meals he prepares for us when we visit him and his wife in North Carolina. Though the People’s Project site is still there, it appears to be stagnant and I couldn’t find any recent topical articles.

A Satisfying Retirement (With Apologies to Bob Lowry)

Buckeye, AZ

Department of Credit Where Credit Is Due

It wouldn’t be a good idea to start off my first blog post by plagiarizing someone else’s blog title. It just so happens that Bob’s blog was one of the catalysts for beginning this blog series, along with my son, Joshua, who blogs on The People’s Press Project (The People’s Palate). To continue reading click here.

John Steiner


  1. Congrats, John. I started back in September 2010. It’s not always fun, but seeing all the memories collected in one place is rewarding, isn’t it?

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