Cellpic Sunday – 27 September 2020

Bloomington, Minnesota.

In mid-July, we traveled to Bloomington Minnesota to attend the funeral of a family member. We arrived the day before and checked into a hotel near the Minneapolis airport. Our view from our 9th-floor windows faced to the southwest. I happened to look out the window almost at the conclusion of “blue hour”, that time between sunset and night. I could see the last few moments of twilight reflected in the glass of the taller buildings southwest of our hotel.

About the photo: Captured on my Samsung S20U, the view captured through the window created a few reflections that were pesky to minimize. I used Adobe Lightroom to crop and tweak basic settings and the Erase function in Luminar 4 to remove the reflections, though it wasn’t completely successful. I also erased the bright red light on top of the tallest building, there due to the proximity of the airport, but a distraction in the image. Finally, I used a gradient mask to darken the sky a bit at the top to help with masking the window reflections. If your browser supports it, you can click on the image for a closer look.

John Steiner


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