Cellpic Sunday – Daniel’s Park

Bison at Daniel’s Park

Sedalia, Colorado.

Our friends, Fred and Ellen, have graciously invited us to their home in Colorado each year as we transitioned between North Dakota and Arizona. When we stopped by their place in Highlands Ranch, we would invariably find something to photograph in the Denver Metro. I’ve included many posts about those journeys in this journal. Now that Fred and Ellen have moved to Wyoming, and we no longer have a place to go in Arizona, we’ll be looking for other ways to continue our friendship. But I digress…

This post features one of the two large bison herds in the Denver area. At one time, the park was part of a large ranch. These days, the park is open to the public and is dedicated to the preservation of those magnificent bison.

Though I didn’t feature those stunning views of the Rocky Mountains in this post, you can rest assured that Daniel’s Park has plenty of viewing areas to stop and gaze in awe at those beautiful mountains that Denver is known for. The park also features short hiking paths, and biking is permitted on the park road. The Tall Bull Memorial Grounds dedicated to the American Indian is open to the public for special events. If the spirit moves you, bring along a picnic lunch when you visit the park and choose one of the picnic areas to relax and enjoy the view.

About the photo: Near one of the ranch’s historic buildings, we saw several bison relaxing. Closest to the fence were these three adults and one calf. The image was captured at the edge of the fenced corral. I was standing on the sidewalk by a parking area, only a few feet from our car. After a short walk along the sidewalk to the right of the photo, we saw several other bison, also simply enjoying the beautiful day. This image was imported into Adobe Lightroom Classic and sent off to Luminar Neo for final tweaks. Click on the image to pixel peep in 2K HD on my Flickr site.

I encourage fellow bloggers to create their own Cellpic Sunday posts. I never have a specific topic for this feature, and the only rules are that the photo must be captured with a cell phone, iPad, or another mobile device… If you have an image from a drone or even a dashcam, that’s acceptable as well. The second rule is to link your challenge response to this post or leave a comment here with a link to your post in the comment.

John Steiner


  1. People don’t usually think bison when they think about Denver. It’s a good reminder that nature is never too far from the city limits – unless you live in Los Angeles or New York City, maybe.

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