Weekly Photo Challenge – Window

Photo 1 – Self portrait

Fargo, ND

This week’s photo challenge confronts participants to share a photo with a window. From the challenge post:

They are portals into the world’s stories. Glimpses into other people’s lives. Looking out (or into) a window can tell you about where you are — and where you’re not — and mark a particular moment in time, linking you to a physical place. Windows are also enablers of our daydreams and desires, and can stir up memories and big ideas.

I submit for your artistic discrimination, two photos that provide a window into my aviation life, AND feature at least a view through a window.

Photo 2 – Floatplane flying

Scanning my library of photos, I looked for “windows” that appeared in the landscapes or windows in buildings I’ve photographed, but none of them really spoke anything about anyone. Studying the challenge, paying special attention to the paragraph I posted above, I began forming my idea. The window could tell the viewer about where I am in life. Could I not find a suitable photo that includes one of my other hobbies? As a licensed private pilot, I have spent hundreds of hours behind the controls of an airplane, and many more hours in the back seats as well. Here is some background on my two photo submissions in this week’s challenge.

Photo 1 – Self portrait

I am a volunteer for the Civil Air Patrol, a non-military service auxiliary to the United States Air Force. Our aircraft are fitted with a camera port in the rear window that allows us to take a clear shot through a window that otherwise cannot open. One of our Cessna 182 mission aircraft divides its flying assignments between photography missions, search and rescue missions and glider towing. While on a mission exercise, I was assigned as photographer riding in the camera seat. While we were transitioning to the exercise target location, I was looking at the landscape below, enjoying the view on a beautiful summer afternoon. I noticed the large mirror mounted on the wing strut that is meant to give the pilot a view of the glider being towed. On the spur of the moment, I decided to take a “self-portrait” through the camera port.

Photo 2 – Floatplane flying

I am fortunate to have a friend who owns a Piper Cub that spends much of the summer on floats. As he is also a flight instructor, he undertook the task of teaching me the unique skills involved so that I could add a seaplane rating to my license. During the summer, I am often invited to renew my floatplane currency when we visit them in northern Minnesota lakes country. While flying over Maplewood State Park, my friend took the controls and I took a couple of snapshots with my cell phone camera through the windshield.

John Steiner


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