Weekly Photo Challenge – Corner

Ben Huberman provided this week’s photo challenge theme, one aspect of which is, “…literally a turning point, full of tension and potential.” Of course, he also notes that a corner is “the point where converging lines, edges, or sides meet.” You can read the entire challenge post here. I am just entering my third decade after having turned a corner of that first kind. I’ve made no secret of my love for aviation. In July, 1997, I turned a corner and went from being ground-bound to being a duly-licensed FAA card carrying aviator. Since turning that corner, I’ve flown single engine land planes, gliders, and, in the photo above, a float plane that was born two years before I was. The 1947 Piper Cub in the photo has since received a complete rebuild and I still occasionally get the chance to fly it off one of the many Minnesota lakes.

OK, so if the opening photo wasn’t literal enough for you, the photo above is a sign identifying a street corner in downtown Fargo, North Dakota. The photo below is a street corner in a small town in Mexico.

John Steiner


  1. 3 corners? You need four corners for a proper 4 corner offense. Hahaha that’s a little college ball reference, unless you live in bball country, you wouldn’t understand.
    A Dean Smith reference, he tried to ruin college bball. In the day before shot clocks, his four corner offense would get a slight lead, and the ball. They would literally deny another possession of the ball to their opponent and limp to a slight victory. That’s why there’s a shot clock today. LOL

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