Weekly Photo Challenge – Inspiration

This week, Krista asks, “What is your inspiration? What moves you?” You can view the entire challenge post here. I knew the answer immediately  when it comes to photography. Images with dynamic skies are my favorite. Lots of clouds not only create their own interesting skyscapes, but the patterns of light and shadow on the ground add extra interest.

I had a hard time narrowing my choice. I originally selected fourteen images, then selected among them, leaving three of my favorite inspiring skies. Click on an image in the gallery below to enlarge or scroll through the collection.

John Steiner




  1. I agree with SueBee and Kat – majestic. I agree that skyscapes are (or can be) quite interesting. And the sun’s rays on the clouds, even more so.

  2. Love the shot from Paria viewpoint John. Would have loved to see Bryce in the snow. We were there in July so got some amazing skies and even a rainbow, but no snow.

    • We were totally surprised to find 3 inches of snow on our car when we went out in the morning. Shouldn’t have been surprised. Over 7000 feet in late October. We were lucky to get such great shots of fresh snowfall.

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