This week it’s Sofia’s turn to create the challenge, and she’s focused her challenge on bokeh (pun intended). As she points out, “…bokeh is the pleasing or aesthetic quality of out-of-focus blur in a photograph”. Backgrounds can add a lot of distraction to a subject, so composing your photo to blur the background really helps to make the subject stand out. You can read her entire challenge post here.
Some lenses are better at creating a pleasing background blur than others. If you read the tutorials, you will find that lenses that have a wide (read expensive) lens opening, like f/2.8 or better, will generally produce a pleasing background bokeh if you use those wide-open lens settings.
For us amateur photographers who cannot afford an f/1.2 lens, though, there are ways to generate a pleasingly blurred background. If you have a telephoto with a very long reach, you can stand well back from the subject and extend the zoom to the full maximum. Even though my Tamron 16-300 mm lens has at best an f/6.3 lens opening at full zoom, it still provides a nicely blurred background when fully extended. The above two images are examples.
You don’t need a high-range zoom, either, to create a pleasing bokeh. Though this image was captured with the same 16-300mm lens, it was captured at f/20, and 165mm. Both those numbers would imply a large depth of field and sharp background focus. Of course, it helped that the items in the background were quite some distance from the subject.
Some of the most pleasing backgrounds feature strong, sharp points of light or color that provide a pleasing blur when defocused. In the example above, the subject is set to the right using the rule-of-thirds, and the background features bright orange mallow blossoms that create yellow and orange points of light nicely blurred. This image was shot with a Nikon 18-55mm lens at 55mm with an f/5.6 lens opening. Again, distance from the background helped to create the blur effect.
Portraits really benefit from a blurred background, whether the subject is human or animal. One of my favorite animal images came from the Natuwa Wildlife Sanctuary in Costa Rica. The birds in this section of the sanctuary are caged because of injury or other reasons why they cannot live in the wild until they recover. The chain-link cage creates an interesting background when it is blurred and the blur masks the fact that the bird is caged.

You may remember this image of the Vietnam Women’s Memorial I posted in a recent challenge. The image I posted didn’t have a blurred background. Those trees were too close to the subject to blur with my Kodak f/5.6 lens. These days, software applications can help with background blur and Luminar Neo has a Portrait Bokeh tool that helps automate the process of providing a blurred background. For this challenge, I took the time to use the tool to create an artificial bokeh. As the background trees were pretty close to the subject, the tool had trouble masking the subject, especially in areas around the faces. You may notice in using the comparison slider that the conversion wasn’t perfect and I didn’t take the full care or time required to completely tweak the mask.
This image of Lynn and myself was enhanced with the portrait bokeh tool in Luminar Neo. There was almost no tweaking that was needed to complete this image. The software masked the subjects almost perfectly. You’ll find the original image to compare on my Flickr site and I’ve added many more images featuring bokeh in that album. You can get to the album by clicking here, or by clicking on any of the images above to scroll through the gallery.
I would like to take a moment to thank everyone who submitted images they shared in last week’s “They Say It’s Your Birthday” challenge. I really enjoyed reviewing and reading about everyone’s take on the challenge. As I noted, I was on the road much of the week as we returned to our Fargo home from Arizona. I apologize for not responding quickly to some people’s challenges as I was driving 7-10 hours daily on the trip.
Next week, I am looking forward to Anne’s challenge, and I invite you to join in the fun each week. If you aren’t sure how to submit a post to the group, you can find the scoop here.
John Steiner
Nice ones. I like that demo of the bokeh tool. Not perfect, but pretty decent
Lovely Bokeh collection John!
You explained the technique so well.
Thank you.
Love the Bokeh of dragonfly.
Thanks, Philo!
Great examples John – I love the dragonfly and the shot from the botanical garden in particular. And i was interested to see your examples using the Luminar Neo Portrait Bokeh tool. I need to experiment with that some more myself 🙂
It’s worth the time to experiment. The portrait tools in Neo really make doing portraits enjoyable for a novice in that genre like me.
Great photos John!
So lovely. Particularly like the flowers.
Thank you. Bokeh really enhances a photo.
Sure does. You are welcome
Well done John – loved your examples and especially enjoyed your comparison of the statue after Neo as well as the image of you and your wife. Excellent results from post-processing. I don’t use Neo but maybe I should! BTW your images do not show up in the reader.
Thanks, Tina. I just installed the latest Neo update a few moments ago. It’s at v. 1.0.4, all the more amazing since their development team is located in Kiev, Ukraine.
Wow, I didn’t realize that John. Good for them
You have some lovely examples, John, and it was nice to see you both again at the end. Did your blizzard hit yet?
The heavy snow missed us, fortunately. Our southeast corner of the state was spared. Light snow today and through the weekend. We’ll take it. >grin<
Water for the summer.
Excellent post and thank you for showing us how post-processing bokeh works. My absolute favourite is the dragonfly, so delicate.
Thank you, Sofia. I was surprised when I reviewed my gallery how many photos with bokeh I actually have. 🙂
These images are beautifully captured, John! I really like the dragonfly, and the first one. Beautiful smile of you and your wife.
Thanks, Amy. That selfie made a great holiday card a couple of years ago, the version before I was able to create the “fake” bokeh in the background.
These are beautiful John, great choices
Thank you!
Lovely bokeh images John! And thanks for letting us know the details of the lenses, etc. I do enjoy using my macro lens, but find that most any lens can produce background blur.
This challenge theme is enticing me to purchase a macro, and I’ve also been thinking about the so-called “nifty-fifty”, 50mm lens.
I might have to flip a coin… or buy both of them. 🙂
I loved the comparison you made to show us the benefit of bokeh, and also how you did it. I loved the allium with the green in the back.
it is amazing how profound the memorial becomes when you take out the busy trees as the background and just see the ladies. Always a pleasure. Hello to Lynn. Stay warm.
Thanks! I will pass along your greeting, Donna. Truth be told, that Portrait Bokeh tool in Neo worked better than I thought it would. I do need to go back in and really clean up the edges of the statue that show how “quick and dirty” my edit really was.
Beautiful bokeh techniques and examples, John! I also like that image compare shot!
Thanks, Terri. For a quick edit, it turned out pretty well. I need to go in and finish cleaning the edges of the statue in a few places.
Lovely to see you and Lynn in an amazing selfie, John.
And that dragonfly is just so perfect 🙂
Thanks, Hammad! The dragonfly is one of my favorite shots. I was lucky it sat long enough for me to get the shot. An advantage of the telephoto in this case is that I was able to really keep my distance so that I wouldn’t “chase” it away while trying to focus and compose. 🙂
Great shots. I especially like the Desert Botanical Garden photo. I have a bunch of butterfly photos from there—unfortunately from before I started playing with bokeh effect.
Thanks, Dawn. I’ve got a collection of butterfly photos from there as well. I could have just as truthfully written your sentence about them for me, as well. 🙂
Beautiful dragonfly photo, John!
That Macaw is super cool!
Macaws are so colorful and beautiful. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.