Weekly Photo Challenge – Curve

The spiral staircase as viewed from the top of the lighthouse.

This week, Cheri Lucas Rowlands asks us to find inspiration in the curves around us. You can read the entire challenge post here. The photo above is taken from near the top of a spiral staircase that is located in the central core of a lighthouse. The natural curve of the staircase allows our eyes to spiral to the blue center floor.

The lighthouse is located at Point Loma, near San Diego, California. You can view more images from the Point Loma Lighthouse here.

Awhile back, I decided to experiment with light trails at dusk. Over I-94 in Fargo, North Dakota, a pedestrian bridge crosses high above the roadway. Armed with my Nikon and a tripod, I pointed the lens westward toward a bend in the Interstate highway. A timed exposure led to curves of light.For my last example, I felt it necessary to include one of my favorite images, even though regular readers have seen it more than once in my photo challenge responses. The brand new oil tank cars were sitting on a siding at the railroad yard in Fargo. They were awaiting delivery to the Bakken shale oil field in western North Dakota.

John Steiner


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