Weekly Photo Challenge – Warmth

Phoenix, AZ

Now that the first day of winter has just passed in the northern hemisphere, Ben Huberman challenges us to focus on warmth. From the challenge post, “Whether you live on my side of the planet or in the Southern Hemisphere, enjoying real heat on the beach or in your yard, show us your take on warmth.” I will be happy to accommodate. You can view the entire challenge post here.

Due to circumstances beyond our control, Lynn and I are late in leaving for our winter retreat in the Sonoran Desert just outside of Phoenix. Yes, I know the desert can be cold, dropping below freezing on occasion, but relative to our North Dakota winters, the desert represents warmth at any temperature. As we are within but a few days of our trip south, I decided to focus on our favorite pastime, hiking the desert parks around Phoenix.

I submit for your approval, a gallery of images of the desert featuring the iconic succulent that is only native to the Sonoran Desert, the Saguaro cactus. Click on an image to enlarge and to scroll through the gallery.


Read more about the Saguaro cactus here.

For a different perspective, read about a cold day on an Arizona desert hike here.

Check out my Photobyjohnbo page on Facebook here.

John Steiner


  1. Wow John – you guys have definitely “done” the desert! Beautiful captures – esp with the deep blue sky and clouds. We go to Scottsdale for a week or two every winter for a change of pace and the cacti can be really glorious, especially in the purple sunsets. Hope you get out there soon!

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