Navgate – a new Development Environment for Dynamics NAV

hi all,

good news on the front for development environments.

First some rumours about the current Dev.env.: Maybe there will be a RTC Version of the Nav Dev.env. in the future. This means: complete new surface (like VS ?), shorter runtime when starting/testing nav objects, better integration with the test tool.

The real good news has a name: NavGate
Navgate from idyn (Developers of the OM-Tools) is a new editor for c/al and would be a big, big step in useability. It looks like Visual Studio, it feels like Visual Studio. There are some many features in navgate, that i miss in the current dev.env. since years.

It is not very probable, that microsoft changes the programming language from c/al to c# (in the near future), although it would be a real good idea. But for the meantime, this new editor will be a great help for developers.


best regards