Panama Canal Memories – 2013 and 2019 Transits

A freighter enters the lock.

Panama Canal, Panama.

Normally, on Thursdays, I post my Lens-Artists challenge response from the previous Saturday. For the new year, however, all of the Lens-Artists team posted their favorite images of 2023. That left Thursday open for me to schedule something different.

In my Travel Tuesday post this week, I shared images from our most recent trip through the Panama Canal. Our main reason for the latest trip was to see the 21st-century locks capable of handling much larger ships. If you missed it, that post is here.

In 2013, we went on what we thought would be our once-in-a-lifetime canal transit. Well, things change and times change. We have since gone on two other canal trips, the second trip in 2019 happened when we were invited to travel along with family who got tired of hearing my stories of our trip through the canal and they wanted to see the canal for themselves. Click on the image above to visit that post and see the images captured then as we transited the original locks on the Norwegian Star.

The Norwegian Sun transited beside the Norwegian Pearl in 2013.

In 2013, only a few months after starting our travel journeys blog, Lynn and I did our first transit via the Norwegian Pearl. The Pearl and the Sun transited the canal side-by-side, so we were able to see the process from both on our own ship and on the ship beside us. You can click on the image above to check out the post about that 2013 journey through the canal.

In two months, we’ll begin our 11th year of writing Journeys with Johnbo, and we are still traveling. Hopefully, there will be many more years of journeys to interesting places and photographic experiments to share.

John Steiner


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